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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Who are my clients?

I love my job. Always have. People have told me that I'm "lucky" because I can make a living doing something I love. What an odd statement, I think. I don't believe that luck has a lot to do with it. I make a living doing something I love because I made it happen. Everyone else has the same opportunity to be "lucky" with their own talents. The only difference between me and them is that I followed my own path.

Something else "lucky" happened to me a few years ago. I left my job in Corporate America ("left" as in, with a little push). I had been wanting to move on anyway, so it was just the kick in the pants I needed. I started freelancing and built Olsen Creative. It hasn't always been easy, but I've never looked back.

Even more "luck" was bestowed upon me when I found my niche with clients. (Geez, I'm finally getting to the point). Other small businesses just like me needed help that I was able to provide. In other words, my clients are people who are making a living at things they love doing.

How cool is that?

My current clients are a wine guy who blends his own wine and markets his goodies with personalized wine labels (yep, your face or biz logo on a wine label!), a music teacher who started her own vocal studio, a husband/wife team who built a contemporary education project that uses music in a unique and relevant way to excite young people about learning and help them experience success, a community bank that specializes in small business accounts, and a couple other musicians who perform and teach.

If you had asked me 20 years ago where I saw myself today, I would have had a completely different answer, but I would have been nowhere near as happy.

My clients are awesome!

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